Friday, February 27, 2004
I wish this was the case, but tragically not. However, here's what I would have done had I taken the day off today. Get up about 8ish and go to Common Grounds for some coffee and to read a paper or something. Then back home for a morning run, maybe 5 miles, maybe longer - no rush. Try and find someone to go have lunch with. Spend the afternoon sitting on my hammock reading a book. That would be a much better day then what the calendar looks like right now!
Here's what I need to do sometime. Wake up at the beginning of the week and decided to take Friday off and just fly somewhere for a 3 day weekend. That would be nice as well.
What would you do with your day off?
Monday, February 23, 2004

A wise man once said, "you've got to know when to hold em', and know when to fold em'". I'm good on the know when to hold him part, not so much on the know when to fold them. I made a bet with Ryan on the upcoming Bearathon (this Sat, 8am, spectators welcomed) that I could run it in 1:45. This would be quite fast for me AND its on an EXTREMELY hilly course. Tragically my training got derailed for a couple weeks and I quickly realized that I was not going to be able to win this bet (I'm still holding out hope, but its dwindling fast). Here's the part where I should have just folded and counted my losses, but no - I had to make another bet. So, I went for double or nothing that I could beat him by 20 mins. Now, this was all good when it was a bet for dinner at Diamondbacks, but then Ryan's wife had the brilliant idea that the double part of the bet should be that I have to babysit their kids for a night while they go out to eat. What the hell was I thinking agreeing to that???!???!!??!??! They have a 3 year old and 6 week old! I'll be recruiting help if I lose this bet, but I can assure you that I am extremely motivated to kick Ryan's butt in this race now. I'm thinking I'll need to run around a 1:50-1:55 to make the time. However I'll be doing everything in my power to slow him up for his, so I'll be dropping off a dozen Krispy Kremes and a bottle of whole milk at his desk tomorrow morning - I figure it can't hurt.
Sunday, February 22, 2004
My Day.....
I feel like I accomplished nothing today, yet I did a ton. Didn't set my alarm this morning and decided that if I woke up in time I would make it to Sunday school, if not I would just go to church at 10:30. I got up in time and headed up to church. We talked about meditation, which I don't think I really do a lot of, so I didn't have much to say. Most of my meditation is done during my runs and I spend the first 30 mins of that just trying to clear my head of my day and the next 30 just trying to listen to God for a while. After church I went out to lunch with the Nance's - good people. Grabbed some Girl Scout cookies on the way out - sooo good. Nothing better then frozen thin mints. Met Jeremy for some basketball after lunch. We played one-on-one for about 3 hours before getting tired. Okay, it was really about 30 mins. How can I go running for 2 hours, but can't play basketball for even one hour? We conceded that we were getting old and opted for a game of horse before calling it a day. After that I headed out to do my grocery shopping and then cleaned the house. Cut up some fruit and veggies for the week and fixed dinner. Grilled some fresh Chilean sea bass, pasta, and asparagus. I made a nice white wine sauce with shallots and olive oil. Damn, I'm good. Val, Wesley, and Tim came over to watch Lost In Translation. I was really excited to see it due to hearing so much good stuff about it from seemingly everyone. However, I was very tired and ended up falling asleep during the movie. (Seth -if you happen to be reading this, please forgive - I promise I'll watch it again soon). I woke up to the phone ringing, chatted for a bit and then the movie was over when I hung up. Now, here I am. Now, I shall go to sleep.
I feel like I accomplished nothing today, yet I did a ton. Didn't set my alarm this morning and decided that if I woke up in time I would make it to Sunday school, if not I would just go to church at 10:30. I got up in time and headed up to church. We talked about meditation, which I don't think I really do a lot of, so I didn't have much to say. Most of my meditation is done during my runs and I spend the first 30 mins of that just trying to clear my head of my day and the next 30 just trying to listen to God for a while. After church I went out to lunch with the Nance's - good people. Grabbed some Girl Scout cookies on the way out - sooo good. Nothing better then frozen thin mints. Met Jeremy for some basketball after lunch. We played one-on-one for about 3 hours before getting tired. Okay, it was really about 30 mins. How can I go running for 2 hours, but can't play basketball for even one hour? We conceded that we were getting old and opted for a game of horse before calling it a day. After that I headed out to do my grocery shopping and then cleaned the house. Cut up some fruit and veggies for the week and fixed dinner. Grilled some fresh Chilean sea bass, pasta, and asparagus. I made a nice white wine sauce with shallots and olive oil. Damn, I'm good. Val, Wesley, and Tim came over to watch Lost In Translation. I was really excited to see it due to hearing so much good stuff about it from seemingly everyone. However, I was very tired and ended up falling asleep during the movie. (Seth -if you happen to be reading this, please forgive - I promise I'll watch it again soon). I woke up to the phone ringing, chatted for a bit and then the movie was over when I hung up. Now, here I am. Now, I shall go to sleep.