Monday, October 11, 2004
24...25...26... FINISHED!!!

Believe it or not, I have finally beaten the demons that I seem to have collected in the number 26.2! Sunday morning in Chicago marked the day and was one of the best experiences that I've had in my life. After four years of training, 5 marathon registrations, 2 finishes in the hospital/medic tent, one broke leg, and numerous long-runs that resulted in me doubled over getting ill; I have finally finished!!

The support in Chicago was unbelievable! The streets were lined with people cheering for you every step of the way. There was literally never a moment that you went a step without seeing people lined along the street yelling. Just you and 39,999 friends out for a run on a Sunday morning! My sister & one of her friends from college came up to watch as well as Kristin and Jana. Mandi was also in town since one of her friends was running as well. So, I had some great fan support throughout the run - which made a HUGE difference! I was actually doing quite well all the way through mile 21-22 (I was even on pace for sub-4:00)! I even remember thinking to myself, "I'm really enjoying this, I think I could do this again." However I then found myself being SLAMMED into the wall. OUCH. My pace went from a 9min mile to a 12 min mile from at 22. At 24.25ish I passed the aid stations. Unfortunately, it was a bit packed and I had to start walking in order to get a cup of water. I drank the water and tried to start running again, but my legs screamed at me and refused to start running. Okay, I'll walk for a few minutes and then start running. 5 mins later I try to run - not going to happen. I try to start running several more times, however with no luck at all. I rounded the corner at 26 and started to run the final .2, so I at least ran across the finish line. As I approached the line it hit me, I was actually going to finish my first marathon!! Thanks to everyone for your support! Look forward to seeing you all when I get back - Cheers