Friday, March 12, 2004
Now That's A Fast Ball!!!
I went to see the Baylor Women play US Olympic Softball team last night. HOLY CRAP!! There are some scary women who could beat the crap out of me on that team! One woman hit a blast out of the park that didn't land till it was in the second row of the parking lot. WOW! The best part was that I got to see Jennie Finch pitch. Quite impressive! I can't believe how hard they can throw it and how close the pitchers circle is to the batters box. Oh yeah, and she's gorgeous as well - just a side note.
Had an all-day training today on planning/organization skills. It was actually very useful and not really a total waste of my day. There was a quote that I heard in the training that I want to leave you with. This was written on a t-shirt that was worn by an 82 year-old woman who was completing her first ever marathon (did I mention that she was 82??)
"When was the last time you did something for the first time in your life?"
Here's to dreams - cheers.

I went to see the Baylor Women play US Olympic Softball team last night. HOLY CRAP!! There are some scary women who could beat the crap out of me on that team! One woman hit a blast out of the park that didn't land till it was in the second row of the parking lot. WOW! The best part was that I got to see Jennie Finch pitch. Quite impressive! I can't believe how hard they can throw it and how close the pitchers circle is to the batters box. Oh yeah, and she's gorgeous as well - just a side note.
Had an all-day training today on planning/organization skills. It was actually very useful and not really a total waste of my day. There was a quote that I heard in the training that I want to leave you with. This was written on a t-shirt that was worn by an 82 year-old woman who was completing her first ever marathon (did I mention that she was 82??)
"When was the last time you did something for the first time in your life?"
Here's to dreams - cheers.
Thursday, March 11, 2004

Mom, Can I Have A Hurdy-Gurdy For Christmas??
Okay, so you may already know this by now, but I've just figured it out from article in Newsweek. The whole time that I was watching Sting's performance at the Oscars I was thinking "what the hell is he playing?". Well, turns out it was the well-known Hurdy-Gurdy. Apparently it has also been said by more professional Hurdy-Gurdy players that Sting was not playing the Hurdy-Gurdy to its true potential, but basically using it as a prop. I say props to Sting though for enlightening me on the instrument that is Hurdy-Gurdy. What I like most about this instrument is the name, Hurdy-Gurdy. I think I want one just so I can tell people that I play the Hurdy-Gurdy! However, they tragically run about $3,500 for new one which is a bit expensive just so I can say Hurdy-Gurdy more often.
On other breaking news... Can someone please get my alma-matter to stay out of the national news for at least one week???
Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Did anyone else hear about this woman who went into a Wal-Mart and tried to pass off a fake one million dollar bill??? Apparently she was waiting for her change (only $998,328.45) when the police showed up to arrest her. Seems like a pretty logical thought process.... Why didn't I think of this myself?? Ms Pike's attempt at a million in change does lead me to a question for today. If you suddenly had $1,000,000 would you continue doing your current job? If no, what work would you do instead? Thoughts?
Hopefully Ms Pike was going to spend a little scratch on a haircut - nice mullet though

Monday, March 08, 2004
The Perfect Combination!

Ben blogged last night about Sunday's episode of Alias. Ben talked about the blatent use of product placement in the show, but I would like to point out a far more important event that took place in last nights Alias. First - I must give props to the producer (or whoever makes the decision on what music to use in the show) for thier song selections for the show. There are almost always fantastic artists used on every show. Much appreciation to you. That being said, the best ever was on last night's show. Now, most of my good friends know that I have a bit of thing for both Norah Jones and Jennifer Garner - this was proven by the e-mails and calls that I received after Sunday's episode. So, the last scene of Alias was Sydney (Jennifer Garner)and her dad talking/going to dinner with the background music of Norah Jones' Carnival Town. Ahhhh..... life is good at that moment! The bad news though was that my Tivo was jacked up yesterday so I don't have it recorded....tragic, truly tragic.
Speaking of perfect combinations - I had a Teddy Grahams snack pack today. Teddy grahams with a side of frosting, much like the cracker and cheese spead - only much more tasty. Highly recommend picking some up.

Ben blogged last night about Sunday's episode of Alias. Ben talked about the blatent use of product placement in the show, but I would like to point out a far more important event that took place in last nights Alias. First - I must give props to the producer (or whoever makes the decision on what music to use in the show) for thier song selections for the show. There are almost always fantastic artists used on every show. Much appreciation to you. That being said, the best ever was on last night's show. Now, most of my good friends know that I have a bit of thing for both Norah Jones and Jennifer Garner - this was proven by the e-mails and calls that I received after Sunday's episode. So, the last scene of Alias was Sydney (Jennifer Garner)and her dad talking/going to dinner with the background music of Norah Jones' Carnival Town. Ahhhh..... life is good at that moment! The bad news though was that my Tivo was jacked up yesterday so I don't have it recorded....tragic, truly tragic.
Speaking of perfect combinations - I had a Teddy Grahams snack pack today. Teddy grahams with a side of frosting, much like the cracker and cheese spead - only much more tasty. Highly recommend picking some up.