Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Sometimes my morning routine is so consistent, that I think I occasionally forget what day it is. (In honor of that I decided to continue with Bill Murray movies for my pic.) I get lost in the blur that is my every weekday morning. Although, I must say that somehow I find some comfort in my morning routines. Do you find yourself doing the same thing every morning?
Here's my typical morning. My alarm goes off, which will cause me to immediately hit the snooze button for an extra ten minutes. This is a very necessary part of me waking up, it must happened or I won't really be awake. Once I drag myself out from under the covers I head straight for the shower. This is followed by a shave, contacts, etc.. Then I get dressed and head into the den to check my e-mail. I can't quite figure out why I feel this burning need to check my e-mail in the mornings. I never go to bed before midnight and the last thing I always do is check my e-mail before calling it a night. What e-mails are you going to get between 12am and 7am?? Mostly junk, but I still feel the need to check every morning. Next its in the car and off to Starbucks. I would go to Common Grounds, but its more expensive and when you go EVERY morning - you have to think about these things. I really enjoy my Starbucks stop. It kinda like stopping by Cheers in the morning (just without any extra additives to your coffee). The Starbucks girls know me well. I guess what I really should say is that they know my drink well. As soon as they see me walk in the door they are already making my coffee. I like the fact that I don't have to order. Mornings like today are even better. Today there was a long line and they handed me my drink with 4 other people in front of me and people behind me. Those in line looked in wonder and I just thought to myself, "that's right folks, I'm a regular - they like me." Good times! Once I wish the ladies a good day (and of course get the same in return) I head off the office. Then its a review of e-mail (and it would surprise you how many legitimate e-mails you get overnight due to the number of workaholics) and my calendar for the day. Then its a quick look at the Wall Street Journal and then into the day. Its a good routine and I enjoy it!
Oh, and did I miss the second coming??? KP did not blog yesterday...