
Friday, April 16, 2004

Bloggers Block 

So - as you might have noticed the blogging has been a bit sparse lately. I just haven't been able to think about anything that I've wanted to blog about. Los siento mi amigos.

Where In The World Should Tom Go??

Today though, I shall discuss future thoughts on travels. I'm not planning any big trips this year - which is no bueno, but just the way it is at the moment. However, next year is going to be an international trip for me. I'm debating a few options at the moment. High on the list are Tibet, Kenya, Spain, South Africa, and Costa Rica (and possibly Italy).

Option 1 - Spain (these are listed in no particular order):

My main reason for wanting to go to Spain is that I really want to participate in The Running Of The Bulls in Pamplona. (Mom - please ignore that if you are reading, much like my skydiving trip I didn't intend to tell you until post-fact). I know - I'm crazy, but I really want to run. I don't need get close to the bulls, but I want to be on the streets and make the dash in my white shirt and red bandana! Not my only reason to go to Spain, but its high on the list. My current thoughts on Europe is that I'll be able to travel in Europe anytime in my life (running with the bulls excluded). I don't know that I'm going to want to travel to more 3rd world location later in life, so that's why I've gone that way in the past. Another one of my motivations for traveling to Spain was reading The Sun Also Rises.

Option #2 - Tibet:

This one just has a mystique about the country. I originally wanted to travel to Nepal, however when starting to look into that I realized that it wasn't currently the safest place to go at the moment. I want to trek the Himalaya mountains, see the wats and temples, and explore a new culture. Traveling in Thailand and Cambodia peaked my interest in further exploring more parts of Asia.

Option #3 - Kenya:

As a kid when I thought of Africa, I think the landscape that most often pictured in my head was that of Kenya. Kenya is what has often been called the "cradle of humanity". When I first traveled to Africa the majority of my time was spent in Namibia, although I also crossed into Botswana & Zambia and spent a bit of time in Zimbabwe. As I traveled and visited with others, the theme I heard was the same. "If you want to see Africa, go to Kenya". Hemingway has probably also influence this option a bit with The Green Hills Of Africa. Another reason that I would like to go is to hike Kilimanjaro. I've heard from two people who have recently done this and seemed to have absolutely incredible experiences.

Option #4 - South Africa:

Not really sure why this one is on my list, but it definitely is. When I was waiting on my flight to Windhoek from London I visited with a gentlemen who was going to be on the same flight (I flew Air Namibia - don't recommend it). The guy had been all around the world. After visiting with him at length I was convinced that there where far less places in the world that he hadn't seen then he had (I would like to be able to say that myself someday). We got to talking about Rio De Janeiro, and I told him I pictured it as one of the most beautiful places in the world. He was quick to tell me no and that in all of his travels he has never been anywhere in the world that was more breathtaking then Cape Town, South Africa. I'm taking his word on it and going to check it out someday. Some of South Africa's best wines come from the Cape Town region and that's another reason I'd love to go. I think I want to spend most of my time in SA's beach towns. When I was at Vic Falls I saw an add for the Boz Bus. It was a van that you can get an unbelievably cheap ticket on for travel between Vic Falls and Cape Town. It starts at Vic Falls, Zim and then heads for the east coast of SA. It stops at every beach town from the east coast and on to Cape. You can get off whenever you want and catch another van on to the next town later. This would be a great trip if I had about 3 months to do it. Start at Vic Falls (unbelievably beautiful) and travel to Cape Town.

Option #5 - Costa Rica:
Come on people, its Costa Rica! There a few reasons that I really would love to go. One - I've always wanted to learn how to surf. There are a few surfing schools on private beaches/resorts in Costa Rica. I almost did this a few years ago and would love to do it someday. Spend about a week on a private beach with daily surf lessons and the occasional trek into some local beach town, or the rainforest. Two - the rainforest and zip lines. Three - active volcanoes and hot springs. I read about this one in Lonely Planet. There is a spot (can't remember off the top of my head) where you can sit at night in these hot springs and what an active volcano erupting in the distance. WOW. Enough said on that one. Downside: Costa Rica has become much more touristy over the years. Upside: its only going to get worse, so maybe I should go now.

The Polls Are Open!

Place your vote, leave some comments, or suggest another spot! Cheers ~ Tom

Sunday, April 11, 2004

A Lost Innocence 

I went to Six Flags on Sat to go see DCB and Jars play on Sat night during Six Flags' Young Christian's Day (or something like that). Before I get to far along - let me announce this: I somehow rode my first roller coaster of my life on Sat! I rode the one with the 2 loops 3 times and then proceeded to the Texas Giant for the wooden roller coaster (which is a bit abusive on the body). I've jumped out of a plane, been sandboarding, and white-water rafting; yet somehow never been on roller coaster. It was a blast, but the downside is that if I ever play "I never" again I'll have lost my ultimate response that is almost sure to get everyone in the room.

Okay - so back to the real point of this post. I was sitting at the concert and taking in my surroundings and my youth came flooding back to me. My time in junior high and high school was basically 100% centered around my church youth group and choir (yes - I was in a choir, no I still can't sing worth a lick). My summers were spent doing camps, retreats, lock-ins, etc. Every spring however was the annual trip to Silver Dollar City for Young Christians Weekend. This weekend was my first experience with Christian music, speakers, etc. I remember sitting at the Echo Hollow amphitheater and listening to Rick Cua blasting out Can't Stand Too Tall. Somehow blinded by emotion and the speakers I was duped into thinking this was the greatest music I have ever heard in my life. I was in sixth grade and apparently easily influenced. This evening at the amphitheatres was my "saved" experience (a word that I'm not so found of now) and one that I would begin to repeat every young Christians weekend, church camp, and retreat. While I may hate the phrase now the day was significant in the early years of a long journey that would eventually bring to where I am now, weary for the miles, but deeper in my faith with something more to stand on. While I cringe at who I was during those years; my narrow-minded view of God, my condecending thoughts of those who did not share my beliefs, the Christian t-shirts, and the belief that secular music was straight from the devil - I do however miss one aspect of my faith then. I saw it in the kids who where there - blind faith and innocence. A young faith and realization of the greatest being without being jaded by much of life's experiences. Just knowing God and knowing his love for you, and that was all the really mattered at the time. You didn't question anything else, you just knew God. I miss that. I miss my blind faith in my Creator, the raw emotion of a young faith, and my naivete of the world. While I wouldn't ever consider going back to that young and volitale faith, I often wonder if I can ever recover from my years of cynicism that have often calloused me to the raw emotions that I often desire from my faith.

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