Saturday, October 23, 2004
Its Only One Game....
Tragically, the Cards dropped Game 1 tonite, but no sweat - I wasn't really counting on winning this one anyway. This was due to the fact that the Sox had home field and a crowd that was going to be very LOUD. However, mainly due to the fact that MLB decided to bend over backwards to make things easier for Yanks/Sox while the Cards had a late Game 7, travel, no rest, etc, etc...
Went back to Springfield for the weekend. It was Dad's 60th birthday (Happy Birthday Dad!!), so I was in town for that and the surprise party that we were throwing for him on Friday night. Got to hang out with a bunch of friends from my high school days that I hadn't seen in quite a while (I think its been a few years since all of us got together). It was great just to hang out and catch up some! It had been much too long. I actually realized as I was getting ready for this trip that it had been almost a year and a half since I had been back to Springfield. Guess I should make it back a little more often! I'll be home for Christmas though and then I have my 10 year reunion in the spring. No bueno.
Well, I'm going to get some sleep. Back to TX tomorrow! Cheers
Went back to Springfield for the weekend. It was Dad's 60th birthday (Happy Birthday Dad!!), so I was in town for that and the surprise party that we were throwing for him on Friday night. Got to hang out with a bunch of friends from my high school days that I hadn't seen in quite a while (I think its been a few years since all of us got together). It was great just to hang out and catch up some! It had been much too long. I actually realized as I was getting ready for this trip that it had been almost a year and a half since I had been back to Springfield. Guess I should make it back a little more often! I'll be home for Christmas though and then I have my 10 year reunion in the spring. No bueno.
Well, I'm going to get some sleep. Back to TX tomorrow! Cheers
Friday, October 22, 2004
Go Crazy, Cardinals Fans!! Go Crazy!!!!

Some of you have asked why I haven't blogged about the Cards playoff run yet (Especially after the game 6 win). Truth be told, I didn't want to jinx anything! That being said, we are now in the World Series, so I feel as though I'm good to blog between the LCS and the WS. All the doubters had us finishing 3rd in the Central at the beginning of the year, but we got the best record and now headed to the World Series!!! Go Crazy!!!!
A few things from 6 & 7
Edmonds - BOMB!! Game 7!
Edmonds - A new "The Catch"
Albert "Could I be Anymore Clutch" Pujols - 'nough said!
Rolen - "Put the bubbly on ice, we're riding our way to the World Series on this HOME RUN!!!!"
Jeff "What Rocket?" Suppan - "I'll show Pedro who his daddy is!"
MLB and Fox SUCK!! Okay, I've got a bone to pick here. First - how the hell did the AL get and extra day of rest??? Either the NL should have gotten it (due to the fact that the AL has homefield), or both Game 7s should have been on the same day. Nice advantage for the Sox's pitchers! BS!!!! Another issue, how did the Yanks/Sox play at least 6 evening games, while the Cards/'Stros get stuck with FOUR afternoon games!!??? FOUR afternoon games in an LCS??? Come on - what a joke.
All good now though - because every game will be on for the World Series!! Go Cards!!!!