Thursday, May 20, 2004
Take Me Out To The Ballgame

Went to the Rangers/Royals game last night with the Nance's. It was dollar dog night, so automatic good times (and an upset stomach). I ended up eating three hotdogs, which is really about one more then I can handle, but who can pass up dollar dogs??? Could have been worse though, saw some guys buying ten of them. 10 hotdogs??? Seriously. How? It was a perfect night for a ballgame and the Royals won, so I was happy. I can pull for the Rangers as long as they aren't playing the Royals or the Cardinals, so sorry - they were playing the Royals. When I was growing up my dad and I used to go up to KC every summer for a weekend series. It was always a great time. It was just be he and I and I always felt like pretty big stuff that I got to go and mom and Kiersten stayed at home. I think this may have been the first Royals game that I've been to since whenever the last time dad and I went - which I can't really remember anymore.
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Capn Kirk
I got a new album last week that I am absolutely loving, Bob Schneider - I'm Good Now. I'm digging the whole album, but one song I really like is Capn Kirk. Here's a sample of the lyrics:
I want to be like captain kirk
get up everyday and love to go to work
don't want to be like mr spock
want to kick out the jams and rock the block
I just want to feel good
I don't want to hurt nobody
I just want to get a good time out of my life
I want to be like Jesus Christ
keep the party moving giving good advice
I don't need to be no superman
I just want to do the best I can
Amen, Bob!
I'm currently reading Blue Like Jazz and I highly recommend it. I went to starbucks last night and just sat there listening to Coltrane and reading. I enjoyed it throughly! Its amazing how sometimes you can read a book and feel as if you could be reading your own journal of thoughts for the last year. That's what its been like with this book for me. I wanted to share a couple parts that really hit home to me, but there has been many parts that have. So - I'll leave you with the most recent portion that just made me think... yes.
I suppose what I wanted back then is what every Christian wants, whether they understand themselves or not. What I wanted was God. I wanted tangible interaction. But even more than that, to be honest, I wanted to know who I was. I felt like a robot or an insect or a mysterious blob floating around in the universe. I believed if I could contact God, He would be able to explain who and why I was.
I want to be like captain kirk
get up everyday and love to go to work
don't want to be like mr spock
want to kick out the jams and rock the block
I just want to feel good
I don't want to hurt nobody
I just want to get a good time out of my life
I want to be like Jesus Christ
keep the party moving giving good advice
I don't need to be no superman
I just want to do the best I can
Amen, Bob!

I'm currently reading Blue Like Jazz and I highly recommend it. I went to starbucks last night and just sat there listening to Coltrane and reading. I enjoyed it throughly! Its amazing how sometimes you can read a book and feel as if you could be reading your own journal of thoughts for the last year. That's what its been like with this book for me. I wanted to share a couple parts that really hit home to me, but there has been many parts that have. So - I'll leave you with the most recent portion that just made me think... yes.
I suppose what I wanted back then is what every Christian wants, whether they understand themselves or not. What I wanted was God. I wanted tangible interaction. But even more than that, to be honest, I wanted to know who I was. I felt like a robot or an insect or a mysterious blob floating around in the universe. I believed if I could contact God, He would be able to explain who and why I was.
Monday, May 17, 2004
Who's On First??

If you've checked the blog the past few days you'll know that I tried to change the format up a bit, but I screwed up the comments section, couldn't get some of the other items posted, etc - so I decided to revert to the previous format. Sometimes change isn't for the best, or maybe I was just too lazy to figure everything out. It was almost the death of the blog for good though, but I've decided to try and continue posting for awhile (even though I've lost my blogging motivation). Not really sure what that motivation was in the first place.
Have you ever seen the Abbott and Costello skit, Who's On First? Such a classic! I used to do drama classes when I was in High School and a buddy of mine and I did this for a class. You don't even have to be a baseball fan to find this absolutely hilarious if it is done well. You can't really describe it well with words alone (although it does crack me up just reading the script), but I'll try and give you the basic rundown. Basically Costello plays a peanut vendor who is talking to Abbott who was just named the new coach of the St Louis Wolves. Costello is asking Abbott the players names and Abbott is telling him, except the players have some odd nicknames. "WHO" is the name of the first baseman. "WHAT" is the name of the second baseman. "I DON'T KNOW" is on third. So, you can see where it goes when one asks "who's on first?" and gets the reply of "yes". This goes on quite a while with a variety of questions, statements, and frustrations that leave you rolling in laughter. Sometimes I feel like I get into conversations like this - you're both saying the same thing, but somehow it all gets messed up in the end. You keep trying to explain/re-explain, but somehow just keep making it worse, when really your still saying the same thing. Funny for a sketch, but frustrating in real life.
Started working out last week (actually lifting and not just running). Having trouble walking today! I went to an abs class that caused me great pain, followed by a workout, and the concluded with my normal run (5 miles). Did more legs lifting on Sat which caused me to be VERY sore on Sunday. I really should have taken the day off on Sunday, but mentally I desperately needed my run yesterday. So, I headed out about 10:00pm and did 5 miles on campus. It was a great run, but I'm paying the price in further soreness today. Tonight is abs class followed by an attempt at a kickboxing areobics class. Not sure if I can pull that off though, plus I really want to still be able to run tonite.