Friday, October 29, 2004
Run, Tom, Run
So I took a bit of time off from my running the past couple weeks. I've gotten a couple of runs in here and there, but not the 5-6 runs a week I was doing for the marathon. I've also been a bit more lax with the foods I eat then I usually am and as a result I'm feeling a bit tired and blah lately. So, tomorrow will mark the return of my running. My energy level is definitely directly linked to my running and its time to get off the couch and back on the pavement.
This month has been a bit strange for me. Everything has been going wonderful (with the small exception of the incident mentioned in my previous post). Even that was great because my favorite team in the world made it to the World Series. Its kind of weird when everything is going so well because you somewhat feel like you need to brace yourself the impending disaster that must lurking around the corner. The other thing that is a bit mixed about it is that while things are going great for me, some of my close friends are having somewhat rough months.
Looking forward to rolling my clock back tomorrow before I go to bed. It is SOOO hard for me to get up when it is still dark out, so it will be nice to have a change. Also looking forward to the fact that I won't have to get while its dark out tomorrow. I'll be sleeping in for as long as my body allow and then going for my run.
This month has been a bit strange for me. Everything has been going wonderful (with the small exception of the incident mentioned in my previous post). Even that was great because my favorite team in the world made it to the World Series. Its kind of weird when everything is going so well because you somewhat feel like you need to brace yourself the impending disaster that must lurking around the corner. The other thing that is a bit mixed about it is that while things are going great for me, some of my close friends are having somewhat rough months.
Looking forward to rolling my clock back tomorrow before I go to bed. It is SOOO hard for me to get up when it is still dark out, so it will be nice to have a change. Also looking forward to the fact that I won't have to get while its dark out tomorrow. I'll be sleeping in for as long as my body allow and then going for my run.
Thursday, October 28, 2004
A Good Year With A Painful Ending

I can't complain too much. Yes, the Cards sucked in World Series. No, they couldn't run the bases, hit, or pitch. They just weren't the Cardinals that I've been watching all season. That being said, it was a GREAT season! We weren't supposed be in the World Series. We weren't supposed to be in the playoffs. For that matter nobody even thought we'd be a Wild Card team. The Cards weren't supposed to be any better then 3rd place in the Central this year, but they put together one of the most memorable seasons that I can recall. Its been a dream season (just with a nightmare for an ending). I'm going to leave my memories of this year with the NLCS....

Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Too Depressed To Blog
Cards down 3-0 now. Sadness