Friday, August 13, 2004
Mark Your Calendars!!!
Alias Season 3!!! Sept 7th!! I've already ordered mine. Cheers!

Thursday, August 12, 2004
An Apple?
Well, its been a bit since I've blogged. I'd like to tell you that I'm making a new pledge to regular blogging, but sadly I'm just not ready for that kind of commitment. I'm sorry. Its me, not you. Don't take it too hard. That being said, we can still be friends, so I'll try and stay in touch every now and then.
Yeah, I was managing a post about once a week, but even that has seemed to slip a bit. We'll see what I can do in the near and not so near future. The blog isn't dead yet anyway!
I took a week of vacation this week, but I shall save that so that I have something to post tomorrow.
So, I was hanging out with Beth & Em tonite and we were discussing what kind of fruit you are. I'm not sure how we got to this in the conversation, but nonetheless, we did. There were good responses for them, ones that did fit them well. However, they suggested that I was a red apple. This didn't really sit that well for me though. Here's what I think of when I think of an apple: ordinary, plain, common place, simple. Now they had good reasons & qualities, but those are still what I think of. So, any alternatives out there? Any other suggestions for what kind of fruit that I might be? What kind of fruit are you?
Yeah, I was managing a post about once a week, but even that has seemed to slip a bit. We'll see what I can do in the near and not so near future. The blog isn't dead yet anyway!
I took a week of vacation this week, but I shall save that so that I have something to post tomorrow.

So, I was hanging out with Beth & Em tonite and we were discussing what kind of fruit you are. I'm not sure how we got to this in the conversation, but nonetheless, we did. There were good responses for them, ones that did fit them well. However, they suggested that I was a red apple. This didn't really sit that well for me though. Here's what I think of when I think of an apple: ordinary, plain, common place, simple. Now they had good reasons & qualities, but those are still what I think of. So, any alternatives out there? Any other suggestions for what kind of fruit that I might be? What kind of fruit are you?