Friday, March 05, 2004
Need To Tie The Knot???? No Thanks!
Okay - so I think there might have been some confusion in my post on Wed. When I say that I feel like I'm in a transitionary phase, its not because I'm not married yet. I'm not sure why I feel this way at times, but its probably something to do with the fact that I've changed jobs at my company every 9-12months for the past 4 years.
I'm happy with my current single status - very happy! I wouldn't mind dating more then I do (or don't), but I have no desire for marriage right now. Do I wish I was married now? - NO. Do I want to be married before I'm 30? - not really. Will I be upset if I'm not married by the time I'm 30? - I think I'll be just fine. I have a great community in my family and friends, I enjoy my job and what I do, I love my free time and how I spend it. I've had people tell me, "I guess its okay to be single as long as your married before your 30", or just having the thought in general that its what's missing. I think I get sucked in to the thought that I want that just from visiting with some of my married friends, but really its just not the life I desire right now.
Okay - so I think there might have been some confusion in my post on Wed. When I say that I feel like I'm in a transitionary phase, its not because I'm not married yet. I'm not sure why I feel this way at times, but its probably something to do with the fact that I've changed jobs at my company every 9-12months for the past 4 years.
I'm happy with my current single status - very happy! I wouldn't mind dating more then I do (or don't), but I have no desire for marriage right now. Do I wish I was married now? - NO. Do I want to be married before I'm 30? - not really. Will I be upset if I'm not married by the time I'm 30? - I think I'll be just fine. I have a great community in my family and friends, I enjoy my job and what I do, I love my free time and how I spend it. I've had people tell me, "I guess its okay to be single as long as your married before your 30", or just having the thought in general that its what's missing. I think I get sucked in to the thought that I want that just from visiting with some of my married friends, but really its just not the life I desire right now.
Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Do you ever feel like your life is in a holding pattern? Sometimes I feel like I'm in this post college/pre-life limbo stage just waiting for what's going to happen next. The trouble is I've been in that stage for 5 years now and see no end in site. I end up asking myself, "do I really want to be doing this 3 years from now, 5 years from now, etc" - or, "Am I really still going to be in this place?" I'm not sure I know the definition of "this", or "this place", but I feel like I'm in this transitionary stage - like this isn't the real-deal yet. I feel like I need a change, yet I don't know what it is, and I don't know that I want to make it. I guess I'm just wondering when do I stop asking "what's next?"
Tuesday, March 02, 2004
I Can Walk Again!!
Well, 3 days later and my legs are once again fully functioning! Ah- good times! I've posted a few pics from the bearathon for your enjoyment (I've left out the one of me throwing-up after the race - be glad). Now that I've taken three days off I'm ready to get back into my runs and lining up some races for the rest of the spring. Currently I've got three 5Ks and one 10K on the calendar. I'm also thinking about doing my first duathalon, which would be the first race I've considered with biking. We'll see though - I still need to get my bike fixed from my wreck that left me with a broken leg. Here's the pics:
Still smiling at mile 2:
Crossing the finish line:
Catching my breath (thanks to Wesley and Val for decking me out as if I was the horse that just won the Kentucky Derby)
Well, 3 days later and my legs are once again fully functioning! Ah- good times! I've posted a few pics from the bearathon for your enjoyment (I've left out the one of me throwing-up after the race - be glad). Now that I've taken three days off I'm ready to get back into my runs and lining up some races for the rest of the spring. Currently I've got three 5Ks and one 10K on the calendar. I'm also thinking about doing my first duathalon, which would be the first race I've considered with biking. We'll see though - I still need to get my bike fixed from my wreck that left me with a broken leg. Here's the pics:
Still smiling at mile 2:

Crossing the finish line:

Catching my breath (thanks to Wesley and Val for decking me out as if I was the horse that just won the Kentucky Derby)

Monday, March 01, 2004

A Plea To Ben's Blog.....
I read Craig's blog on Friday on need for renewal in many people's blogging efforts. I've decided the need to put out a plea for one blog that once inspired me to start blogging myself (Craig - you've spared yourself from being called out on this by your recent posts last week). Where has Make Ben Fair gone?? My once daily dose has been reduced to only mere occasional post? Something seems wrong in the world - only 5 times in all of Feb?? Can that be right? What happened to the music of the day? Political thoughts, and who's being boycotted now? How shall know what concerts to go see? Come back Ben's Blog, Come back! We should all aspire to Kathryn's faithfull Mon - Fri postings or Seth's sometimes 3 times a day postings, could we possibly reach such great heights? Como on, Safety Ben - can't we at least get back to 2-3 times a week?
Sunday, February 29, 2004

Well, its finally over with! Sat morning was the Bearathon - the event that I've been training for the last few weeks. The event is a half-marathon and is quite possilbly the toughest, hilliest half course that I have ever seen, or heard of. It is absolutely BRUTAL!! You've got flat running for the first 4 miles, and then it seems like its all uphill for the next 6 miles. OUCH!!! Overall I was pretty happy with my performance - I finished in 1:47:45 and averaged about 8:15 miles. However, I lost both of my bets that I made with Ryan. I was less then 3 mins from finishing under 1:45, and I only beat him by 16 mins on the race. NO BUENO!!! Afterwards my body felt like it had been hit by a truck due to all of the hills that we ran. I went home and just collapsed on the floor for about an hour because I just didn't have the energy to do anything else! That night a bunch of peeps headed out to the Outback for dinner. I enjoyed my meal with no worries about what I ate since I would not be having a run for the next couple days. A tall beer, Aussie Cheese Fries (sooo good), and a big steak! I was in a state of bliss at this point. After this race I think I may have finally decided that I want to stick to 5-10K distance, with an occasional 15K. I just don't think my body likes the long distance runs! Next run: The Great Zoo Stampede on March 20. This is just a 10K - so I'm looking forward to it!