Sunday, February 29, 2004

Well, its finally over with! Sat morning was the Bearathon - the event that I've been training for the last few weeks. The event is a half-marathon and is quite possilbly the toughest, hilliest half course that I have ever seen, or heard of. It is absolutely BRUTAL!! You've got flat running for the first 4 miles, and then it seems like its all uphill for the next 6 miles. OUCH!!! Overall I was pretty happy with my performance - I finished in 1:47:45 and averaged about 8:15 miles. However, I lost both of my bets that I made with Ryan. I was less then 3 mins from finishing under 1:45, and I only beat him by 16 mins on the race. NO BUENO!!! Afterwards my body felt like it had been hit by a truck due to all of the hills that we ran. I went home and just collapsed on the floor for about an hour because I just didn't have the energy to do anything else! That night a bunch of peeps headed out to the Outback for dinner. I enjoyed my meal with no worries about what I ate since I would not be having a run for the next couple days. A tall beer, Aussie Cheese Fries (sooo good), and a big steak! I was in a state of bliss at this point. After this race I think I may have finally decided that I want to stick to 5-10K distance, with an occasional 15K. I just don't think my body likes the long distance runs! Next run: The Great Zoo Stampede on March 20. This is just a 10K - so I'm looking forward to it!