Thursday, May 20, 2004
Take Me Out To The Ballgame

Went to the Rangers/Royals game last night with the Nance's. It was dollar dog night, so automatic good times (and an upset stomach). I ended up eating three hotdogs, which is really about one more then I can handle, but who can pass up dollar dogs??? Could have been worse though, saw some guys buying ten of them. 10 hotdogs??? Seriously. How? It was a perfect night for a ballgame and the Royals won, so I was happy. I can pull for the Rangers as long as they aren't playing the Royals or the Cardinals, so sorry - they were playing the Royals. When I was growing up my dad and I used to go up to KC every summer for a weekend series. It was always a great time. It was just be he and I and I always felt like pretty big stuff that I got to go and mom and Kiersten stayed at home. I think this may have been the first Royals game that I've been to since whenever the last time dad and I went - which I can't really remember anymore.