Thursday, March 11, 2004

Mom, Can I Have A Hurdy-Gurdy For Christmas??
Okay, so you may already know this by now, but I've just figured it out from article in Newsweek. The whole time that I was watching Sting's performance at the Oscars I was thinking "what the hell is he playing?". Well, turns out it was the well-known Hurdy-Gurdy. Apparently it has also been said by more professional Hurdy-Gurdy players that Sting was not playing the Hurdy-Gurdy to its true potential, but basically using it as a prop. I say props to Sting though for enlightening me on the instrument that is Hurdy-Gurdy. What I like most about this instrument is the name, Hurdy-Gurdy. I think I want one just so I can tell people that I play the Hurdy-Gurdy! However, they tragically run about $3,500 for new one which is a bit expensive just so I can say Hurdy-Gurdy more often.
On other breaking news... Can someone please get my alma-matter to stay out of the national news for at least one week???