Tuesday, January 27, 2004
Have you ever had one of those days where you go 90 to nothing the whole day, yet at the end of you feel more behind then when you started? I think all my days are starting to feel that way lately! Its not that work isn't going well, its that I never feel like I can catch up. Today I started my day off as usual, by swinging by Starbucks. I grabbed my soy latte and headed to the office. I've grown very fond of the latte - it really helps me start my day! The next thing I knew it was 12:00 and found myself eating a sandwich at my desk and drinking my Superfood, then all of the sudden it was almost 7:00 and I was still at my desk.
One digression - Odwalla Superfood. That's some good stuff and I highly recommend you pick up a bottle. I'll warn you now its a thick, pulpy, and very fungus green drink. However, it has more of a fruity taste that a grass taste (yes - it does have both wheat and barly grass in it). SO GOOD THOUGH! Back to the day now .....Everything in between seems like a blur and my list of action items only grew throughout the day! After work I headed straight for the gym to do my track workout for tonite. On the schedule this evening was six 800 meter repeats. I'm enjoying doing speed workouts (just started them a couple weeks ago), but its not quite the same as 5-7 miler. Those just seem to let me clear my head more and sort through the day. On a track workout I'm too focused on my time and counting laps to ponder on the days events, but I enjoy it nonetheless. As soon as I finished that I headed up to church for "The Man Group". I was only about 45 minutes late, so not too bad. I really hate being late, but for this group its going to have to be late or not at all on most nights. By the time I got home it was 9:30 and I had still not eaten. So, warmed up a bowl of soup, watched a bit of the NH primaries results and now here I am. But, now I need to log on and do some more work. Cheers