I started watching Band of Brothers again last night. I've seen it a couple times already, but find drawn to watch it again. Band of Brothers was an HBO miniseries that was directed by Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks and was based on Stephen E Ambrose's book. If you are interested in WWII, then I would highly recommend reading Ambrose. I've read both Band Of Brothers and The Wild Blue. Both incredible depictions of two different groups. The first of the Airborne division, the second of the B-24 crews stationed in Italy.
I think there are some films that everyone should see. Whether you love, or hate films on war, there some that you should take the time to absorb yourself in for no other reason then to have an understanding of what those who went before us went through to provide us the life that we have today. Not only to see what they went through, but why they went through it. There are 2 films and one mini-series that I would currently put on this list.

I Band of Brothers is obviously one, but I would also include Saving Private Ryan and Schindler's List as well. The opening scene of Saving Private Ryan is one that simply leaves you sitting in awe of the horror that they faced that morning. Similarly is the opening scene of Part 2 of Band Of Brothers when they drop into Normady. Films are made to bring us out of our personal reality for a moment to step into another place or story. In films like these, perhaps they only provide us a small glimpse of what really happened, but I think it is a glimpse that everyone should take.
Feel free to add any other films to this list...