So what tests your patience the most? For me - being sick or injured. Today I seem to be developing an ear infection of some kind. It hurts -
REALLY hurts. The worst part is that it hurts to touch my ear, which will prove to be an issue in just a bit when I try to go to sleep. This becomes a dilemma because I will be unable to sleep on my left side. You might think - just sleep on your right side, but its really much more complicated then that. See I start left, flip right, back to left, back to right one more time, and then fall asleep. Its a ritual that has been fine tuned over the years and completely unavoidable. I end up sleeping on my right side, but actually falling asleep requires 2 left side rotations (I've got issues - I know). So - clearly I'm screwed. So that covers being sick, but what really ticks me off is being injured. I broke my leg back in August in a cycling accident. This caused me to be in perpetually stressed out/bad mood for about 6 weeks. The worst part was the first week when I couldn't even move off of the couch. I thought I was going to go nuts! I was supposed to be on crutches for about 2-3 weeks and I think I managed to make it for about 1 week (almost) before throwing them in a closet and forcing myself to walk on it. I tend to be a bit stubborn about these things.
Side note - just realized this thing has spell check! Thank God, because I can't spell to save my life. Not sure when you'd ever have to save your life by spelling, but if I did - I be screwed.