Texas weather - its a bit strange at times. Yesterday it was sunny, clear blue skies, and 75 out! That's right - 75 in Jan. Today, much of the same, however when I left the office for the evening it FREEZING!! The temp had dropped to the 30s! My northern friends are probably thinking "buck up you sissy", but you gotta admit that a 40 degree drop in temp is going to seem a bit cold, especially when it was 70 when you were outside for lunch. All this being said, I decided to head to the gym to do my run on the treadmill tonite. Let me start this out by making one thing very clear - I HATE TREADMILLS!!!! I don't mean to be harsh, but 5 miles on a treadmill just sucks. YOU DON'T GO ANYWHERE!! Pointless. Part of my boredom on treadmills is due to the fact that I tend not be able to do anything except for stare at the clock and distance in front of me. This is due to the fact that I tend to run in the direction that I look. If I look to the left, I go to the left. Seems pretty normal to me. Doesn't work so well on a treadmill though - you fall off. This would not be good for me - especially considering that there were about 10 treadmills in a row and it was me and 9 girls (although I just thought one good reason to run on a treadmill)! So - thus my disdain for treadmills - you go nowhere, you do nothing, and you stare at a conveyer belt. So, what do I feel like on a treadmill?
That pretty much sums it up
Interview feedback - another fun part of my day today. When you are people manager one of the best parts of your job is when you get to tell someone that they got the job. This is especially true when the person has busted their ass and put in hard work and truly appreciates the opportunities. One of the worst things you have to do is tell the other people that interviewed that they didn't get the job. The ones that really suck to deliver are the canidates who were truly excellent canidates, except that someone else just had a little bit of an edge on them. The ones that are annoying though are the people who THINK they are god's personal gift to your company and are the best thing that could ever happen to you. RIIIIGHT