Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Such a love/hate relationship with the Krispy K. I was on my out the door tonite for a 5 mile run when I decided to go down the street to pay homage to the newest addition to Waco. I was glad to see that I was not the only one to succumb to irresistible draw of the glaze waterfall and the most beautiful conveyer belt ever known to man. I was walking in with nothing but sugary goodness on my mind when out walked Kyle and Jenn with a fresh batch of donuts in hand. I could tell the smile on Kyle's face that I was in for a treat. I head in and paused briefly to stare at the donuts coming off the line and under the glaze falls(ingenious!). The line was not too bad - only about 10 deep. There was old man with a look of awe on his face in front of me. It was sort of the 5 year old in a candy store kind of look. He just couldn't decided what he wanted. I assured him that the classic glazed was the way to go. Next - they handed us free donuts while waiting in line!!! This further supports Chris Rock's claim that they must have crack in them. Now they're just like the pushers giving you the first hit for free! The old man's reaction was priceless. The look unforgettable! He turned to me with huge smile across his face and simply said, "those are pretty good". Damn straight, my friend. Damn straight. The good news - I resisted for a full 16 hours before heading over! Not bad!
Damien Rice - O
I've got this on my current listenings on the side, but thought it was due an additional comment. Do yourself a favor if you haven't heard the album yet and GO BUY IT NOW! Don't even bother listening to a song or two first - just go buy it. You won't regret it, I promise. I think this is most definitely the best new artist that I've picked up in the last year. His album is simply beautiful and I highly recommend sitting down and just listening to the album straight through. Don't distract yourself with anything else - just sit and enjoy the album.