Monday, February 16, 2004

Its currently 11:30 and I'm still up despite the fact that I need to leave the house at 6am tomorrow to be in Austin in time for my 8am meeting. That basically means I need to be up by about 5:30 at the absolute latest (still need to pack a bag - 2 days of meetings). I would go to sleep right now, but I just got done running 7 miles, so I'm kind of awake right now. I got to the office at 8 this morning, worked through lunch, and then didn't leave until sometime after 9pm. No bueno. I think I walked into the house at like 9:30ish? I'm ready for the weekend already. The bad part is that several of my friends had today off!! Why doesn't my company celebrate President's Day??? I've got 2 days of meetings tomorrow, drive up in the morning and back on Wed. Then I'll spend Thursday trying to catch up on all the work that I missed while in meetings on Tues & Wed. Ah - good times! Oh well. It will be a well earned weekend. The bad part is I'm having to do a 2 week crash course on my bearathon training because I basically quit running for the past 10 days. I think I only got 2-3 runs in and no long run. So, 7 miles everyday this week and 13 on Sat. Then 7 more Mon/Tues/Wed next week with another 5 on Thursday, then the race that Sat. Hopefully I can at least come close to my time goal. We'll see.
Sleep - its overrated. Cheers