Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Tragically, I haven't really had time to just sit and enjoy the album yet, so I can't offer too sound of an opinion yet. Work was crazy, so I had it playing in the background, but that doesn't provide for a good listen. I can tell you that I like what I hear so far. There's definitely no disappointment in her Sophomore endeavor.
Speaking of giving an album a chance - when was the last time that you just sat and listened to an album? I'm talking truly doing nothing besides soaking in an album in its entirety and enjoy as a piece of art on its own. Seems like too often we just enjoy our music as a background to our lives. We never pause to really focus on the piece itself. I recommended this for Damien Rice's "O" and would highly advise it with this album as well (I'm about to do just that). Have we become to busy, too preoccupied with the day's events, and tomorrow's worries to clear our heads and just relax and absorb an album? Hopefully not... So, grab one of your favorite albums, turn your phone off, unplug the tv, forget your day, and enjoy the art.
Question of the day: What album would you recommend? What album screams, shut everything else out and just listen straight through? Here's my first 3 (not ranked in any order):
1 - U2 - Joshua Tree
2 - Damien Rice - O
3 - Johh Coltrane - Blue Train