Wednesday, March 24, 2004

45 Hours And Counting.....
Well kids, its now only 45 hours until I hop on the plane for my annual trip to Cardinals Spring Training!!!! I'm in desperate need of a vacation right now and I can't think of anything more relaxing then sitting in the sun at a minor-league ballpark, watching my beloved Cardinals play ball! God bless America!!! It just doesn't get much better then that! Here's a shout-out to Joey & Chris - need to get back on track with our trip next year, but we'll have to make it to a west coast park at least for this year. Spring Training is a must for any baseball fan! You get grab autographs, chat with players, see AA & AAA guys fight for a spot, watch BP, and just be closer to the action then you'll ever see at a major-league park.
I know many of you (those of you who pay attention to baseball) will think I'm nuts when I say this, but I'm predicting the Cardinals to finish in 2nd place and win the wild card this year. We have the best line-up (same as last year except Sanders for Drew)in the National League and possibly all of baseball (#2 in run production last year), 4 Golden-Gloves in the field, the best NL short-stop, the best 3rd basemen, PUJOLS!!!, solid bullpen, strengthy closer, etc. Our biggest weakness is the starting rotation, but don't count the Cards out - they'll be there in the end.