Friday, May 07, 2004
Happy Birthday, Dork!!
Okay - so it was my sister's birthday yesterday, but unfortunately I didn't manage to get around to blogging yesterday. Didn't have time at work and there was Friends watching to be done last night! Kiersten sent me a note after reading my cheese post that she was offended that I had blogged on that request without blogging on any of hers. What's she seems to forget is that she neglected to give me any suggestions for a blog topic.....hmmmm.. strange how I didn't blog about that... very strange.
So, the request yesterday was a blog post in honor my big sis that somehow included Starsky & Hutch. Starsky & Hutch??? Now that's random. I would, but she wanted reference to the new Startsky & Hutch, which I haven't seen yet. Tragically this will not be possible.
So - Kiersten and I are about 5 years apart, which is all good now, but made for us to fight like crazy growing up! Although we did fight a lot, we had a lot of good times as well. I've decided to list a few of my memories of growing up with my big sis.
Girl Scouts -
When we lived in St Joe, MO (where the Pony Express Began & Jesse James Ended) Kiers was in Girl Scouts. I don't remember a lot of these years (I think I was 5-6 when we left St Joe), but I do remember when she sold Girl Scout cookies. I remember a wall by the door being stacked with boxes of cookies that she had sold. Apparently the sales skills run deep in the McCarty children.
Kiersten's First Broken Leg (that I remember) - Kiers was chasing me down the stairs (I don't know why, but I'm quite sure it was unprovoked). We were wearing the old school pj's - you know the ones with the slick feet on them. She bit it and went tumbling down the stairs and broke her leg - that'll teach ya to chase me! (she would actually never learn this lesson and still doesn't quite seem to register with her that I'm bigger then she is).
Enid, OK -
When we left St Joe we moved to Enid. Yes, Enid. I don't know why, but it was short-lived (we were there less then a year - nothing against anyone from OK, but your state sucks!) One thing I do remember about Enid was tornadoes were pretty common. One day Kiers and I were at home alone and the sirens went off. Kiersten grabbed me and we headed for my parents closet (no basement, so this was the best place to go). One thing I can say about growing up with Kiersten is that as much her little brother probably annoyed her (I swear I never did anything) she always looked after me.
Kiersten Breaks Her Arm - Actually this should probably be titled Tom Breaks Kiersten's Arm. Appartently (so the fictitious story goes) I stepped on her arm and broke it. I honestly don't recall doing this, but I do recall my mom making me wait hand and foot on her until the cast came off. Dang it!
Scotties -
Kiers was in drum corps in high school (when she was in HS I was in 4th-7th grade - that probably says a lot right there). I actually loved watching them play when mom would allow me to go to the high school assemblies that they were playing at. I was actually very proud of my sis, but no way in hell I was ever going to her that at the time (come on people - I was in 6th grade!). What I didn't like was that whenever Kiersten would lose a fight about what to watch on tv (or just mad at me in general - again always completely unprovoked on my part) she would grab her drum and stand in the middle of the stairwell and hit the damn drum over and over again! Who was in junior high???
The Monkees -
Kiersten got sick her freshman year of high school and was at home for a bit. While at home she started watching reruns of The Monkees. This started an addiction to them that she would NEVER grow out of. Kiersten had all thing Monkees. Every album. Every TV show on tape (as a result I've seen every episode myself). Scripts from the tv show. Coffee mugs. Spent weeks searching for a copy of Head - the Monkees movie that they made. Drove to Tulsa to stand in line for hours to get Davy Jones' autograph. Her room was covered in posters.
Speaking of Monkee's Posters -
Ah - good times!
Kiersten Gets Her Driver's License -
The first week Kiersten has her driver's license she takes me to Andy's to get some frozen custard (sorry people, but Andy's is soooo much better then Katie's). We hope in mom's 9 passenger station wagon and head for the drive through. Kiersten has just a bit of trouble negotiating the turns in this beast of a vehicle and ends up hitting the side of the building while in the drive through. Whoops. She makes me swear that I won't tell mom and dad about it and seeing as how she's just taken me to get ice cream, I agree. A couple weeks later Kiersten and I get into a fight (again - I'm innocent of anything) and she promptly rats me out to mom for something. Seeing myself backed into a corner and on the verge of getting into trouble I do what any smart kid would do. I quickly tell mom that Kiersten had hit Andy's with her station wagon! Kiersten's was shocked! My poor naive sister - she never learned!
That's about all I have for now! Happy Birthday, Dork!!

So - Kiersten and I are about 5 years apart, which is all good now, but made for us to fight like crazy growing up! Although we did fight a lot, we had a lot of good times as well. I've decided to list a few of my memories of growing up with my big sis.
Girl Scouts -

When we lived in St Joe, MO (where the Pony Express Began & Jesse James Ended) Kiers was in Girl Scouts. I don't remember a lot of these years (I think I was 5-6 when we left St Joe), but I do remember when she sold Girl Scout cookies. I remember a wall by the door being stacked with boxes of cookies that she had sold. Apparently the sales skills run deep in the McCarty children.
Kiersten's First Broken Leg (that I remember) - Kiers was chasing me down the stairs (I don't know why, but I'm quite sure it was unprovoked). We were wearing the old school pj's - you know the ones with the slick feet on them. She bit it and went tumbling down the stairs and broke her leg - that'll teach ya to chase me! (she would actually never learn this lesson and still doesn't quite seem to register with her that I'm bigger then she is).
Enid, OK -

When we left St Joe we moved to Enid. Yes, Enid. I don't know why, but it was short-lived (we were there less then a year - nothing against anyone from OK, but your state sucks!) One thing I do remember about Enid was tornadoes were pretty common. One day Kiers and I were at home alone and the sirens went off. Kiersten grabbed me and we headed for my parents closet (no basement, so this was the best place to go). One thing I can say about growing up with Kiersten is that as much her little brother probably annoyed her (I swear I never did anything) she always looked after me.
Kiersten Breaks Her Arm - Actually this should probably be titled Tom Breaks Kiersten's Arm. Appartently (so the fictitious story goes) I stepped on her arm and broke it. I honestly don't recall doing this, but I do recall my mom making me wait hand and foot on her until the cast came off. Dang it!
Scotties -
Kiers was in drum corps in high school (when she was in HS I was in 4th-7th grade - that probably says a lot right there). I actually loved watching them play when mom would allow me to go to the high school assemblies that they were playing at. I was actually very proud of my sis, but no way in hell I was ever going to her that at the time (come on people - I was in 6th grade!). What I didn't like was that whenever Kiersten would lose a fight about what to watch on tv (or just mad at me in general - again always completely unprovoked on my part) she would grab her drum and stand in the middle of the stairwell and hit the damn drum over and over again! Who was in junior high???
The Monkees -

Kiersten got sick her freshman year of high school and was at home for a bit. While at home she started watching reruns of The Monkees. This started an addiction to them that she would NEVER grow out of. Kiersten had all thing Monkees. Every album. Every TV show on tape (as a result I've seen every episode myself). Scripts from the tv show. Coffee mugs. Spent weeks searching for a copy of Head - the Monkees movie that they made. Drove to Tulsa to stand in line for hours to get Davy Jones' autograph. Her room was covered in posters.
Speaking of Monkee's Posters -

Kiersten Gets Her Driver's License -

The first week Kiersten has her driver's license she takes me to Andy's to get some frozen custard (sorry people, but Andy's is soooo much better then Katie's). We hope in mom's 9 passenger station wagon and head for the drive through. Kiersten has just a bit of trouble negotiating the turns in this beast of a vehicle and ends up hitting the side of the building while in the drive through. Whoops. She makes me swear that I won't tell mom and dad about it and seeing as how she's just taken me to get ice cream, I agree. A couple weeks later Kiersten and I get into a fight (again - I'm innocent of anything) and she promptly rats me out to mom for something. Seeing myself backed into a corner and on the verge of getting into trouble I do what any smart kid would do. I quickly tell mom that Kiersten had hit Andy's with her station wagon! Kiersten's was shocked! My poor naive sister - she never learned!
That's about all I have for now! Happy Birthday, Dork!!