Tuesday, May 25, 2004
HOLY S*@#!!!!

BAYLOR WINS!!! BAYLOR WINS!!!! Words you just don't hear that often... However, Baylor has just officially won their first ever National Championship!!!! The BU Men's Tennis Team just beat UCLA 4-0 in the National Championship game!! Its been a long wait for Baylor fans, but the drought is finally over and I have faith that we will have one in at least 2 other sports in the next 5 years (small steps people, small steps). My predicitions - Lady Bears B-Ball and Baseball. I would like to say that this is the year the Bears are going to win the World Series (it should have been), but we'll be lucky to make post-season at all at this point. We'll see though. Congrats to the Tennis Team - Sic'Em Bears!!