Monday, June 14, 2004

The Nance's and I headed out to The Ballpark for the Cards/Rangers game on Sunday and it was simply a beautiful day of baseball. The day was actually miserably hot, but the game was fabulous for any Cardinals fans - not so much for those lost souls cheering on the Rangers. The Cards batted around the order in both the first and second and went up 10-0 by the end of the 2nd. The final ended up being 13-2, so needless to say, I was quite pleased with the outcome. It was definitely a bit toasty though and I think I got too much sun. Oh yeah - Rolen picked up 3 more RBIs to put him at 67!!!
I can't seem to kick whatever it is that I've caught last week. I'm still coughing like crazy and feel like my head is twice its normal size. Work seemed a bit crazy today. I feel like I went 90 to nothing, but somehow ended the day with a longer to do list then what I started with. No bueno. Well - that's about all I have for tonite. Cheers.