
Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Sleep Is A Waste Of Time.... 

I'm beginning to feel like there just aren't enough hours in the day lately. I went non-stop today, but feel like I have so much more to get done. Arrival time at the office was 7 today (quite a bit earlier then usual, but 2 days in a row now) - of course I did make the Starbucks stop beforehand. I was at the office until six and then went straight to the out the door for my evening run. I was going to wait until about 8, but it was cloudy out and not too hot, so I decided to venture out a bit early. That proved to be a mistake. I went to the Bear Trail to run 3 laps and about halfway through the first lap the sun came back out. OUCH. The heat got to me quickly and abused my body for the rest of the run. I pushed through (probably motivated by Ben & Harris' friendly gestures of encouragement) and finish out the 7 miles, but then quickly downed a bottle of water, a large bottle of gatorade, and then yet another bottle of water. The problem with long runs is that they take up too much time. 2 hours of my night was gonzo due to this run.

After a shower and dinner I headed out to Common Grounds to "quickly check" my work e-mail, continue my GMAT studying, and try to finish Traveling Mercies which I have put to the side for the last week. The "quick check" ended up resulting in me doing about 2 hours of work. Maybe I should have just not checked the e-mail. Its a tragic addiction. Now I've lost my motivation to study. I realized (after receiving 3 e-mails about it today) that I haven't posted since last week, so thought I would see what I could come up with. I think I shall try to read for a bit - I need to spend some time NOT thinking about work today!

Sleep is a waste of time because there just aren't enough hours in the day! I would be a happy man if I could get by on 3 hours!

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